The story of Pierino who, with the help of his animal friends, manages to capture a very ferocious wolf. Not only a musical fable that teaches a 'morality' to children, but also a composition that helps to understand and get to know the instruments of an orchestra, becoming an indispensable and easy to 'browse' aid for anyone who approaches classical music. The flute for the bird, the oboe for the duck, the clarinet for the cat, the bassoon for the grandfather, the horns for the wolf, the bows for Pierino, the eardrums for the shooting of hunters' guns. The musical themes of each character are intertwined in the story of the defeat of the wolf, captured and then taken to a cage in the final triumphal procession.
La Piccola Orchestra Lumière
Priyanka Ravanelli violinChiara Borgogno celloAlessandra Nocera fluteFrancesco Lovecchio hautboisJohn Diamanti – Fox clarinetStefano Rossi hornAchille Dallabona bassoonGiulio Zanuso drums
Lorenzo Cirillo Brondi and Marco Alotto actors
Musical adaptation Francesco Lovecchio
Dramaturgical adaptation in English and Italian Marco Alotto
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